Financing by means of a loan

Do you want to have a quick and inexpensive living, do a business or relax in your own cottage?
Our mobile homes are designed just for you, and we can deliver them directly to your site in a very short period. We offer seasonal mobile homes that you can use as a cottage or as a year-round home in which you can enjoy full living. Have you started to consider buying a mobile home? A loan specialist will help you with financing, taking into account your individual options.
What type of loan do we provide:
It is a conventional loan. For more information on the interest rate and the amount of the monthly payment and the repayment period, please contact the loan specialist who serves the Kodima's clients
What is the average monthly repayment:
With the standard model, the repayment can be as low as € 115, but the amount of the repayment is individual, just like offer of a mobile home.
The process of buying a mobile home through a loan:
The financial specialists will assess the client based on their risk parameters after sending you all the necessary documents they will require from you. Subsequently, once the loan has been approved, they will request collateral for the loan
If you are interested in financing your mobile home via a loan, please contact us by email or phone at or +421 948 120 044, and we will be happy to assist you